This is another list of resources that you or families may find useful. 1. Talk It Out CT - A new "warm line" phone number for parents/caregivers to call who are stressed and want someone to talk to: 1-833-258-5011 2. Our Mental Health Consultant, Christine O'Grady, is also available to support families with young children. Usually she visits the preschools and works with families through them but since most everyone is home, we are happy to connect her to families directly. Contact Christine, Dawn Dubay, or me for details. This is a free service.
3. SNAP online application -
4. Middlesex Health WIC Office - (860)358-4070 or email:
5. Meals Middletown Public Schools continues to provide meals to families M-F 9-1. Please encourage all families to take advantage of them. If anyone has allergies or needs delivery they can email
Bielefield Elementary School, 70 Maynard Street
Macdonough Elementary School, 99 Spring Street
Snow Elementary School, 299 Wadsworth Street
Spencer Elementary School, 207 Westfield Street
6. Farmer Paige has a youtube channel with fun activities!
7. Live storytimes: Dawn is on at 11:30 on the MECN facebook, Middletown resident and teacher Mx Chalk also does a great story time!
8. Recorded storytimes: Russell Library's YouTube channel has lots of wonderful stories and other helpful videos. 9. Gilead Community Services is offering a variety of supports for victims of crime, access services through their website or call 860-343-5303 10. If you or someone you know has not completed their Census, please encourage them to do it: Census. A fun PSA video in English and Spanish created for Middletown by Councilman Ed McKeon. 11. Harvard Center on Developing Child has a wonderful Guide to COVID19 and Child Development with lots of resources to support child thriving. 12. The Child Mind Institute is offering daily tips by email. I signed up and I have found them to be nice reminders. Just a warning, they do come with a pitch for using their behavioral health services. You can sign up here, and watch the video of the day here.