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Legislative Breakfast Success!

The Coalition wants to give a huge than you to the members of our delegation who came out to our annual Legislative Breakfast on March 13th. It was such a fantastic event, and helped our membership get up to speed on all of the important issues affecting children in the legislature this session.

You can read about the event in the Middletown Press or watch the full video of the event below (switch to HD on the bottom right for better quality viewing). A big thank you to Alex Gecan from the Press for covering the event and to the Center for New Media at Middlesex Community College for the videography.

The members of our delegation that were present were: State Senator Dante Bartolomeo, State Senator Paul Doyle, State Rep. Matt Lesser, State Senator Art Linares, State Rep. Phil Miller, State Rep. Joe Serra, State Rep. Tom Vicino, State Rep. Melissa Ziobron. Thank you to all!

Also, we appreciate the assistance of our statewide partners in helping to keep us informed of the major issues affecting our kids. We couldn't do this work without their big picture view. Our major statewide partners are: Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance, Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance, Connecticut Voices for Children& End Hunger CT!

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